Mnemotechniken im Unterricht? Du bist Lehrer und fragst dich wie du Mnemotechniken im Unterricht einsetzen kannst? Heute im Rethinking Memory SCHNELLER LERNEN Memory Café: Teil 4 des Gesprächs mit Timothy Moser von und
Heute widmen wir uns ganz den Herausforderungen, die man als Lehrer hat, wenn man Mnemotechniken im Unterricht einbauen möchte. Es kann sein, dass du den Wert von Mnemotechniken für schnelleres Lernen und besseres Verständnis schon längst erkannt hast, aber wie nun deinen Schülern und Studenten beibringen?
Diese Episode ist auf Englisch.
In this episode you will learn:
- My most amazing experience with students that had such low self-esteem that they never thought they could apply mnemonics to learning in school
- How creating a relaxed non-test setting can play a key role in a student to tap into his unfound potential
- What I would do with students that don’t seem to be motivated
- How demonstrating the power of mnemonics to them is key in enabling them to do the same
- My hands on experience with students that have a hard time learning
- How to help students if they are overwhelmed with all the different things they need to do. An easy hack that will get them on the right track
- How bad school experiences shapes you
- How Timothy uses audio flash cards to help his students learn deeper
- What my favorite things to teach are when working with memory students.
- Why I love to teach any learning project that is a challenge to me as well